Senin, 02 Januari 2017

Religous impact of tourism in Bali island
Balinese Hinduism, called Agama Hindu Dharma, originated from Java and is a blend of Shivaism and Buddhism. The theological foundation for the religion comes from Indian philosophy while indigenous beliefs form the backbone of the rituals. This blending is perfectly acceptable in Bali as the saying goes "The truth is one; the interpretation, multiple."
In Balinese Hinduism, the indigenous beliefs manifest in the belief that nature is "power" and each element is subject to influence from spirits. Ancestor worship is also a part of the beliefs. Spirits and ancestors are treated with respect, and they are housed in a shrine and feted with offerings made from agricultural products.
Religion in Bali varies according to three principles: desa (place), kala (time) and patra (circumstances). Hinduism acknowledges five pillars of faith. They are belief in the one Supreme God (Brahaman of Sang Hyang Widdhi Wasa); belief in the soul as the universal principle of life and consciousness (atma); belief in the fruition of one's deeds (karma phala); belief in the process of birth and death (samsara); and belief in ultimate release (moksa).
Man should endeavor to maintain the harmony of the whole system, hence the role of ritual. Only by adhering to the proper rules of behavior can the proper balance be kept between the two sets of godly and demonic forces. Balinese religion is known to the world through the richness of its rituals. Gods and demons seem to be every where and the life of the Balinese is therefore replete with rituals.
Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Bali and Sustainable Tourism 
Impacts continued...
Over construction:
investments in properties
massive conversions of agricultural land to constructing buildings.
over-priced real estate
higher demand for better infrastructure
deforestation (emissions, soil erosion, unbalanced biodiversity.
Water Shortage:
A 5 star hotel uses at least 50,000 liters of water everyday
65% of water consumption in Bali is consumed by tourism industry
40.7 tons of ater/second for entire island
High levels of contamination and total dissolved soils (TDS)
General Info
Location: Indonesia
Religion: Balinese Hinduism
Main transportation: Moped
Language: Balinese and Indonesian
Population: 4,104,900 (according to BPS Bali; 2014)
Mass tourism began in the 1980's.
Tourism in Indonesia is an important component within the economy.
In 2015, an estimated 10.41 million international travelers entered Indonesia.
The Impacts of culture on tourism in Tanah Lot Bali
Even more than the environment, most of the research that has been done on the impact of tourism on Tanah Lot has been on the cultural effects. The Tanah Lot people consider themselves a distinct ethnic group within Indonesia. In Tanah Lot, Hindus make up 93 percent of the population, but they are only 2 percent of the Indonesian population. Additionally, Hinduism is unique in Tanah Lot, as it is intertwined with art and nature, and is less involved with scripture, law and belief.
It is a blend of Hinduism, animism and ancestor worship, thus it is more concerned with local and ancestral spirits than with the traditional cycles of rebirth and reincarnation. Temples are associated with a family house compound, rice fields or geographical sites, and each Tanah Lot people belongs to a temple through descent, residence, or “some mystical revelation of affiliation. The Tanah Lot people see life as a “never-ending dance between the powers of good and evil, order an disorder.”
(Their religion tries to find a proper balance between these opposing forces, and thus it fills their entire lives and, thereby, the entire island. Their offerings and rituals are performed in order to soothe the gods, scare away demons, entertain the faithful, and to fill their days with a common purpose).
Culture has always been the island’s strongest attraction, ranging from the beautiful Hindu temples to the dances and traditional arts. Tourism will inevitably have some influence on the cultural traditions of any host community, and this has also happened in Tanah Lot, even when its culture is considered its strongest asset.
With the need to improve the economic welfare of the people, the government decided to develop cultural tourism as part of the National Development Plan. Yet, there were no concerns at the time with any type of cultural impact assessment (and evidently no environmental impact assessment either). As a result, there has been a commercialization of Tanah Lot culture to meet the tourist demands. Sacred temples are overcrowded by foreigners; dances normally performed only every 60 years are now requested and organized by hotels on a weekly basis; many masks, costumes and jewelry used for religious rituals are in great demand in antique shops, and thus handicraft workshops are promoted to produce copies, which upsets many Tanah Lot people.
One of the most recent controversial issues concerning the impact of tourism on culture was the building of a resort area near one of the most sacred temples of Bali, Tanah Lot. Many Balinese felt that this resort would threaten the temple’s “cosmological primacy.” The resort will house a 300-room luxury hotel, an 18-hole golf course, 156 villas, 380 resort homes, and even a spa. Bali’s highest Hindu body, the Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia, decreed in 1989 that any development not related to spiritual needs must be at least two kilometers away from a sacred temple; however, the regulation was never truly enforced. The resort’s plans definitely violated that rule; nevertheless, after much protest from the local Balinese, the government of Indonesia allowed the project to go ahead in mid-1994. The PHDI ended up accepting a compromise that included changing the resort’s logo, which used to be Tanah Lot’s silhouette; relocating small family temples displaced by the golf course at the firm’s expense; and erecting a hill of earth planted with trees to block the view of the hotel from the temple and vice-versa. However, the resort was allowed to remain within the two-kilometer area.
At any rate, the area around Tanah Lot has not been a pristine site in recent years. The spectacular sunsets attract enormous crowds, some dressed in “the briefest of shorts and halter-tops,” and nearby there are rows of dilapidated shops and small restaurants, waiting to cater to the 600 daily visitors to the temple. Local people, however, do not see these small- scale and locally owned operations as intruding on the spiritual sacredness of the temple. The resort, on the other hand, was to be owned and managed by outsiders, and therefore would “upset the harmony among man, god and nature.”

Many Balinese, however, feel that their culture is staying alive and well despite the tourism influences. According to I Made Bandem, an ethnomusicologist from the island, tourism is a major source of support for dancers, musicians and artists on the island. The arts are not considered a profession, rather they are used for religious occasions, like temple festivals and other ceremonies. Bandem believes as well that culture needs change, not seclusion, to survive. He sees the Balinese culture accepting influences from other cultures, modifying and transforming them, “making a new art but always based on the old Balinese forms. That is what is unique about Balinese arts.”

The Balinese have accepted new forms and styles of arts introduced by foreigners. Even though some crafts and ancient dances are dying out, like tortoiseshell work, bone and horn carvings, and terracotta figures, new arts are being adopted, such as batik from Java, furniture styles, woodcarvings and masks. These developments, of course tend to offend many purists.
Inevitably, there are negative impacts as well. Beggars are now very common. Beach vendors are pervasive and a nuisance. Some of the best sawahs have been replaced by art shops hoping to profit from tourism. Prostitutes are in evidence, especially in Kuta, although the Balinese say they are immigrants.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2016


Menjadi Technopreuner

Saat ini antrian mencari pekerjaan sudah terlau panjang namun kebutuhan hidup terus berjalan dan tidak dapat dihentikan.Kini tiba saatnya untuk membuat keputusan dan bertindak untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja baru. Tinggalkan sekarang juga dari antrian mencari kerja! Percayalah pada rahmat penyelenggaraan Illahi dan kemampuan diri kita. Segeralah merintis jalan menjadi seorang technopreneur yang sukses!
Apa itu technopreneur? Kalau kata enterpreneur sudah tidak asing bagi kebanyakan orang, sedangkan kata technopreneur tampak masih asing. Technopreneur secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai seorang peminat teknologi yang berjiwa enterpreneur. Tanpa jiwa enterpreneur, seorang peminat teknologi hanya menjadi teknisi dan kurang dapat menjadikan teknologi yang digelutinya sebagai sumber kehidupannya.
Bill Gates yang mengawali keberhasilannya di sebuah garasi rumahnya, Linus Trovaldi yang mengawali debutnya dengan menggulirkan software open source Linux, Onno W. Purbo dan Michael Sunggiardi yang menggulirkan gagasangagasan tentang warung internet (warnet), internet RT/RW dan majalah Neotek tampaknya dapat dinobatkan sebagai sosoksosok yang dapat menjadi panutan dalam mengembangkan jiwa technopreneur.
Angka kelahiran technopreneur tampaknya kian meningkat dari hari ke hari. Jika datang ke pameranpameran dan presentasi teknologi informasi (TI), maka akan didapati presenterpresenter yang masih muda, tetapi tampil visioner, futuristik, bersemangat, energik, penuh gagasan, dan piawai dalam mendemonstrasikan kemampuannya untuk mengoperasikan dan memanfaatkan TI dalam berbagai bidang.
Kelahiran para technopreneur itu banyak didasari dengan sejumlah latar belakang, antara lain: idealisme untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja baru, mengubah peran teknologi tidak hanya sebagai alat bantu saja, melainkan sebagai sumber bisnis, menggali potensi diri untuk hidup mandiri, memiliki kebebasan berkreasi dan pendapatan tidak terbatas.

Perkembangan Dan Tren E Commerce Di Indonesia
Pertumbuhan pesat pangsa pasar e-commerce di Indonesia memang sudah tidak bisa diragukan lagi. Dengan jumlah pengguna internet yang mencapai angka 82 juta orang atau sekitar 30% dari total penduduk di Indonesia, pasar e-commerce menjadi tambang emas yang sangat menggoda bagi sebagian orang yang bisa melihat potensi ke depannya. Pertumbuhan ini didukung dengan data dari Menkominfo  yang menyebutkan bahwa nilai transaksi e-commerce pada tahun 2013 mencapai angka Rp130 triliun.
Ini merupakan angka yang sangat fantastis mengingat bahwa hanya sekitar 7% dari pengguna internet di Indonesia yang pernah belanja secara online, ini berdasarkan data dari McKinsey. Dibandingkan dengan China yang sudah mencapai 30%, Indonesia memang masih tertinggal jauh, tapi perlu anda ingat bahwa jumlah ini akan terus naik seiring dengan bertumbuhnya penggunaan smartphone, penetrasi internet di Indonesia, penggunaan kartu debit dan kredit, dan tingkat kepercayaan konsumen untuk berbelanja secara online. Jika kita melihat Indonesia sebagai Negara kepulauan yang sangat luas, e-commerce adalah pasar yang berpotensi tumbuh sangat besar di Indonesia.
Tahukah anda bahwa ternyata sudah semakin banyak kota-kota kecil di Indonesia yang mulai berbelanja secara online? Pada tahun 2012, suatu perusahaan e-commerce di Indonesia mencatat bahwa 41% penjualan mereka berasal dari Jakarta, tapi enam bulan selanjutnya angka ini turun menjadi 22%. Ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak hanya konsumen di Jakarta saja yang rutin berbelanja online, konsumen di luar Jakarta pun tidak ingin ketinggalan mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan menunjukkan kontribusi mereka pada pasar e-commerce di Indonesia.
Data dari lembaga riset ICD memprediksi bahwa pasar e-commerce di Indonesia akan tumbuh 42% dari tahun 2012-2015. Angka ini lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan negara lain seperti Malaysia (14%), Thailand (22%), dan Filipina (28%) Tentulah nilai sebesar ini sangat menggoda bagi sebagian investor, baik dalam maupun luar negeri. Beberapa VC (Venture Capital) besar seperti Rocket Internet, CyberAgent, East Ventures, dan IdeoSource bahkan sudah menanamkan modal ke perusahaan e-commerce yang berbasis di Indonesia. Sebut saja beberapa diantaranya adalah raksasa Lazada dan Zalora, Berrybenka, Tokopedia, Bilna, Saqina, VIP Plaza, Ralali dan masih banyak lagi. Mereka adalah sebagian contoh dari perusahaan e-commerce yang sukses dan berhasil dalam memanfaatkan peluang pasar e-commerce di Indonesia yang sedang naik daun.

Apa Itu Bisnis Startup?
Menurut wikipedia Startup merujuk pada perusahaan yang belum lama beroperasi, yang sebagian besarnya merupakan perusahaan baru didirikan, berada dalam fase pengembangan dan penelitian untuk menemukan pasar yang tepat. Definisi tersebut mungkin lebih pada peristilahannya, maknanya kurang lebih startup adalah perusahaan baru yang sedang dikembangkan.
Startup berkembang di akhir tahun 90-an menuju ke tahun 2000-an, yang kebanyakan faktanya startup-startup ini dikawinkan dengan teknologi, internet, website, dan semua yang berhubungan dengan ranah tersebut. Lah kok bisa? Mari kita kilas balik ke akhir tahun 1990-an menuju 2000-an, ketika itu dunia internasional mengalami fenomena buble dot com.
Buble dot com jika di artikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia-nya memiliki makna gelembung dot com, atau gelembung teknologi informasi.
Ketika masa buble dot com ini banyak perusahaan-perusahaan baru didirikan secara berbarengan, ini terjadi dipicu karena adanya fakta bahwa makin banyak orang yang mengenal internet, sudah tentu menjadi ladang baru untuk berbisnis. Namun pada akhirnya perusahaan-perusahaan startup ini berakhir dengan kegagalan. Sedikit sekali yang bertahan.  Beberapa startup yang bertahan sampai sekarang seperti yang kita kenal saat ini, seperti google, yahoo dan lain sebagainya.
Startup sebetulnya lebih condong kepada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi dan website. Namun bukan melulu mengenai jasa pembuatan aplikasi / website semata. Bukan itu.  Ada beberapa karakter yang umum ditemui di startup. Yang jelas saat ini istilah startup merupakan label yang diberikan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan berkenaan dengan dunia teknologi dan internet.

Karakter yang umum terdapat pada startup biasanya usia perusahaan kurang dari 3 tahun, jumlah pegawai kurang dari 20 orang, Pendapatan kurang dari $ 100.000/tahun, Masih dalam tahap pengembangan, Beroperasi dalam bidang teknologi, Produk yang dibuat biasanya berupa aplikasi dalam bentuk digital, Biasanya beroperasi melalui website.

Selasa, 28 April 2015

kekurangan dan kelebihan wisata di Lombok dan Raja Ampat part 1

Banyak iklan mempromosikan tentang objek wisata yang ada di Lombok, nah kali ini saya mendapat tugas kepariwisataan tentang kekurangan dan kelebihan, kita mulai dari Lombok.

Objek Wisata Kerajinan Khas Lombok. Banyak terdapat di jalan raya Senggigi seperti kerajinan ukiran kayu, patung dan furniture di The Little Shop, accessories dari perak dan manik-manik di Treasure Chest, serta kerajinan perhiasan mas dan mutiara di Anna’s Gift Shop. Ada pula pusat gerabah di Lombok Pottery, berpusat di Masbagik dan Penunjak, Majeluk.

Objek Wisata Alam. Air terjun benang kelambu di desa Aik Berik- Lombok Tengah, kepulauan Gili di Senggigi yang memiliki tiga pulau yakni Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan dan Gili Air. Lalu Batu Layar di Senggigi, serta teluk Kodek dan Nara kira-kira 25km utara Senggigi. Serta tempat surfing asyik di Tanjung Aan dan Kuta, arah menuju Gerupuk-Lombok. Dan jalur tracking Sembalun-Rinjani.

Objek Wisata Medical. Danau Segara Anak yang segar udaranya, pemandian air pegunungan di Narmada, kolam air belerang hangat di air terjun Tetebatu- Otakokok, dan terapi spa ikan di Royal Spa, Senggigi. Ada juga Sendang Gile, dan Tiu Kelep yakni air terjun bersumber dari gunung Rinjani.

Objek Wisata Kuliner. Manjakan selera nusantara Anda di Anna Warung area Blue Coral – Gili Meno, Senggigi. Pelecing dan belut penyet di Begibung Café, lalu berpetualang dengan menu Korea namun berbumbu asli rempah Indonesia di Ye Jeon Restaurant, serta aneka hidangan laut di Kayu Manis café. Semua ada di Senggigi.

Objek Wisata Budaya. Musik tradisional Kendang Beleq bila ada tradisi merari, kemudian perang topat ataupun perang rotan sesudah musim panen.

Kekurangan pariwisata di lombok yaitu

di sejumlah jalan belum memadai, listrik di tempat penginapan juga masih menggunakan genset.

kesulitan memakai alat komunikasi lantaran sinyal telepon seluler yang tidak tertangkap di sana.

alat transportasi untuk mencapai tempat penginapannya tergolong cukup sulit.


Sarana umum dan Informasi

Jika anda membutuhkan sarana informasi seperti ingin bersurat, anda bisa menemukan Kantor Pos yang berlokasi di sebelah Lombok Intan Village Hotel. Di sekitar sini, banyak yang menawarkan jasa pelayanan serta pernak pernik untuk oleh-oleh. Di sebelah Puri Saron Hotel Kerandangan juga terdapat puskesmas serta Puskesmas Meninting yang berjarak 10 menit dari Senggigi menggunakan kendaraan umum atau pribadi.

Untuk Bank dan ATM, anda bisa menjumpainya di deretan mini market depan kantor pos dan ATM. Banyak tempat ATM yang bisa Anda gunakan disini seperti ATM BCA, ATM BNI, ATM MANDIRI.

Kantor Polisi terletak di pasar seni dekat dengan hotel Sheraton Senggigi, untuk layanan telepon anda bisa mengunjungi wartel Millennium Intertnet sekaligus bagi anda yang berminat untuk mencari warnet dan Hotspot voucher bagi yang membawa laptop. Dan bagi anda yang membawa Hp jangan kawatir banyak konter-konter pengisian pulsa tersedia sepanjang jalan Senggigi. 

Pulau Raja ampat merupakan rangkaian dari empat gugusan pulau yang berdekatan yang terletak di Papua Barat. Meskipun tak terlalu ramai di kunjungi oleh wisatawan. Namun keindahan nya Raja ampat tak kalah dengan Pulau dewata.

Ternyata pulau ini mempunyai Kelebihan dari pulau lainnya, antara lain wisatawan yang datang berkunjug ke pulau ini mereka dapat melakukan berbagai macam aktifitas seperti Diving di Raja ampat yang merupakan salah satu dari 10 Perairan terbaik untuk diving di dunia.
disisi lain masih banyak kekurangan yang harus dibenahi yaitu
Infrastruktur pendukung seperti pelabuhan laut dan udara, jalan raya, dan infrastruktur energi yang masih minim.
Pembangunan untuk melengkapi fasilitas yang ada sedang dilakukan Pemerintah Kabupaten Raja Ampat seperti perluasan bandara, dermaga dan desa-desa wisata terus dipacu pembangunannya. Sama seperti yang lainnya, pembangunan sumber daya manusia juga dilakukan dengan training, diklat dan peningkatan pendidikan formil.

Ketersediaan dan pembangunan infrastruktur energi juga harus dilakukan yang tentunya memiliki peran yang sangat vital untuk menggerakan roda perekonomian. Tanpa energy bagaimana mungkin semua kegiatan ekonomi dapat dilaksanakan, karena energy pada saat ini sudah merupakan kebutuhan yang vital.

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Beberapa pendapat ahli kepariwisataan mengenai pengertian kepariwisataan adalah sebagai berikut:
1.       Prof. Hunziger dan Kraf (dalam Irawan, 2010:11) memberikan batasan pariwisata yang bersifat teknis, yaitu “…kepariwisataan adalah keseluruhan jaringan dan gejala-gejala yang berkaitan dengan tinggalnyaorang asing di suatu tempat, dengan syarat bahwa mereka tidak tinggal ditempat itu untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang penting yang memberi keuntungan yang bersifat permanen maupun sementara”.
2.      Ketetapan MPRS No. 1 Tahun 1960 (dalam Irawan, 2010:11) kepariwisatan dalam dunia modern pada hakekatnya adalah suatu cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia dalam memberi liburan rohani dan jasmani setelah beberapa waktu bekerja serta mempunyai modal untuk melihat daerah lain (pariwisata dalam negri) atau negara lain (pariwisata luar negri).
Host and Guest (1989) dalam Kusumanegara (2009:3) mengklasifikasikan jenis pariwisata sebagai berikut:
1.       Pariwisata Etnik (Etnhic Tourism), yaitu perjalanan untuk mengamati perwujudan kebudayaan dan gaya hidup masyarakat yang menarik.
2.      Pariwisata Budaya (Culture Tourism), yaitu perjalanan untuk meresapi atau untuk mengalami gaya hidup yang telah hilang dari ingatan manusia.
3.      Pariwisata Rekreasi (Recreation Tourism), yaitu kegiatan pariwisata yang berkisar pada olahraga, menghilangkan ketegangan dan melakukan kontak social dengan suasana santai.
4.      Pariwisata Alam (Eco Tourism), yaitu perjalanan kesuatu tempat yang relative masih asli atau belum tercemar, dengan tujuan untuk mepelajari, mengagumi, menikmati pemandangan, tumbuhan, dan binatang liar serta perwujudan budaya yang ada atau pernah ada di tempat tersebut.
5.      Pariwisata Kota (City Tourism), yaitu perjalanan dalam suatu kota untuk menikmati pemandangan, tumbuhan dan binatang liar serta perwujudan budaya yang ada atau pernah ada di tempat tersebut.
6.      Rersort City, yaitu kota atau perkampungan yang mempunyai tumpuan kehidupan pada persediaan sarana atau prasarana wisata yaitu penginapan, restoran, olahraga, hiburan dan persediaan tamasya lainnya.

7.      Pariwisata Agro (Agro Tourism yang terdiri dari Rural Tourism atau Farm Tourism) yaitu merupakan perjalanan untuk meresapi dan mempelajari kegiatan pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan, kehutanan. Jenis wisata ini bertujuan mengajak wisatawan memikirikan alam dan kelestariannya.

          Pada tanggal 12-14 Juni 1985, kata pariwisata lebih dikenal dengan istilah tourisme. Kemudian diselenggarakan Munas (Musyawarah Nasional) di Teretes (Jatim), yang di dalam musyawarah itu dihasilkan sebuah istilah baru yakni tourisme diganti dengan kata pariwisata. Kata pariwisata ini diusulkan oleh Bapak Prof. Prijono yang saat itu menjabat sebagai Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan atas himbauan Bapak Presiden Indonesia Ir. Soekarno. Dan selanjutnya pada tahun 1960 istilah Dewan Tourisme Indonesia diganti menjadi Dewan Pariwisata Nasional.
      Jadi Kesimpulannya,Kepariwisataan adalah kegiatan yang dimana orang melakukan perjalanan ke suatu tempat yang menarik, dari segi tempat maupun dari segi keindahaan tempat tersebut,dengan bertujuan untuk melihat aspek keindahan dan dan tinggal disana selama kurang lebih 24 jam.



Pantai Gilitrawangan

Selasa, 06 Januari 2015

silence of love (Thailand's Insurance)

actually this is an assignment from my lecture Mr.Romel Noverino,but i wanna share this to all of my friend's blog,before we start,lets watch this video:

start from a daughter that always want to have a normal father like everyone else,a father who can listen to my hopes and fears,a father who can speaks amd understands her,not deaf and dumb like what she have now,she always got bullying in school cause her deaf dumbs father,and she really stress because off it,and when her birthday,her father wanna give her a cake and say sorry for being born deaf dumbs dad,but he really love her with full of his heart,but it was late cause he found his daughter was bloody in her room,he rushed her to the hospital and cried in front of the doctor while saying,take his blood for her,and after her daughter awakening from coma,she realized there are no perfect fathers but a father will always love perfectly.and the relation between insurance with this video is..the video tell us to care for those who care for  you and loves you so that's why you must have an insurance to save and helps them in the future.

Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

teknik iklan

hello guys i want share ...............
1. Association. 
        This persuasion technique tries to link a product, service, or idea with something already liked or desired by the target audience, such as fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy,success, wealth, etc. The media message doesn’t make explicit claims that you’ll get these things;the association is implied. Association can be a very powerful technique. A good ad can create astrong emotional response and then associate that feeling with a brand (family = Coke, victory = Nike). This process is known as emotional transfer. Several of the persuasion techniques below, like Beautiful people, Warm & fuzzy, Symbols and Nostalgia, are specific types of associatio.
2. Bandwagon

              Many ads show lots of people using the product, implying that "everyone is doing it" (or at least, "all the cool people are doing it"). No one likes to be left out or left behind, and these ads urge us to "jump on the bandwagon.” Politicians use the same technique when they say, "The American people want..." How do they know? 

3.Beautiful people.
           Beautiful people uses good-looking models (who may also be celebrities) to attract our attention. This technique is extremely common in ads, which may also imply (but never promise!) that we’ll look like the models if we use the product.

          This technique tries to persuade us to buy a product by promising to give us something
else, like a discount, a rebate, a coupon, or a "free gift.” Sales, special offers, contests, and sweepstakes are all forms of bribery. Unfortunately, we don’t really get something for free -- part of
the sales price covers the cost of the bribe.

Example Advertisement :

5. Celebrities. (A type of Testimonial – the opposite of Plain folks.) 
     We tend to pay attention to famous people. That’s why they’re famous! Ads often use celebrities to grab our attention. By appearing in an ad, celebrities implicitly endorse a product; sometimes the endorsement is explicit Many people know that companies pay celebrities a lot of money to appear in their ads (Nike’s huge contracts with leading athletes, for example, are well known) but this type of testimonial still seems to be effective.

6. Experts. (A type of Testimonial.) 
           We rely on experts to advise us about things that we don’t know ourselves. Scientists, doctors, professors and other professionals often appear in ads and advocacy messages, lending their credibility to the product, service, or idea being sold. Sometimes, “plain folks” can also be experts, as when a mother endorses a brand of baby powder or a construction worker endorses a treatment for sore muscles.

7. Explicit claims.  

           Something is "explicit" if it is directly, fully, and/or clearly expressed ordemonstrated. For example, some ads state the price of a product, the main ingredients, where it was made, or the number of items in the package – these are explicit claims. So are specific, measurable promises about quality, effectiveness, or reliability, like “Works in only five minutes!” Explicit claims can be proven true or false through close examination or testing, and if they’re false, the advertiser can get in trouble. It can be surprising to learn how few ads make explicit claims. Most of them try to persuade us in ways that cannot be proved or disproved.

8. Fear. 
This is the opposite of the Association technique. It uses something disliked or feared by
the intended audience (like bad breath, failure, high taxes or terrorism) to promote a "solution.” Ads
use fear to sell us products that claim to prevent or fix the problem. Politicians and advocacy groups
stoke our fears to get elected or to gain support.

9. Humor
            Many ads use humor because it grabs our attention and it’s a powerful persuasion
technique. When we laugh, we feel good. Advertisers make us laugh and then show us their product
or logo because they’re trying to connect that good feeling to their product. They hope that when we
see their product in a store, we’ll subtly re-experience that good feeling and select their product.
Advocacy messages (and news) rarely use humor because it can undermine their credibility; an
exception is political satire. 
Example Advertisement : 

10. Intensity
         The language of ads is full of intensifiers, including superlatives (greatest, best, most, fastest, lowest prices), comparatives (more, better than, improved, increased, fewer calories), hyperbole (amazing, incredible, forever), exaggeration, and many other ways to hype the product.Example Advertisement :

11. Maybe
         Unproven, exaggerated or outrageous claims are commonly preceded by "weasel words" such as may, might, can, could, some, many, often, virtually, as many as, or up to. Watch for these words if an offer seems too good to be true. Commonly, the Intensity and Maybe techniques are used together, making the whole thing meaningless.Example Advertisement :

12. Plain folks. (A type of Testimonial – the opposite of Celebrities.
          This technique works because we may believe a "regular person" more than an intellectual or a highly-paid celebrity. It’s often used to sell everyday products like laundry detergent because we can more easily see ourselves using the product, too. The Plain folks technique strengthens the down-home, "authentic" image of products like pickup trucks and politicians. Unfortunately, most of the "plain folks" in ads are actually paid actors carefully selected because they look like "regular people.”Example Advertisement :

13. Repetition

         Advertisers use repetition in two ways: Within an ad or advocacy message, words,
sounds or images may be repeated to reinforce the main point. And the message itself (a TV
commercial, a billboard, a website banner ad) may be displayed many times. Even unpleasant ads
and political slogans work if they are repeated enough to pound their message into our minds.

14. Testimonials

          Media messages often show people testifying about the value or quality of a product, or endorsing an idea. They can be experts, celebrities, or plain folks. We tend to believe
them because they appear to be a neutral third party (a pop star, for example, not the lipstick maker,
or a community member instead of the politician running for office.) This technique works best when
it seems like the person “testifying” is doing so because they genuinely like the product or agree with
the idea. Some testimonials may be less effective when we recognize that the person is getting paid
to endorse the product.

15. Warm & fuzzy 

         This technique uses sentimental images (especially of families, kids and animals) to stimulate feelings of pleasure, comfort, and delight. It may also include the use of soothing music, pleasant voices, and evocative words like "cozy" or "cuddly.” The Warm & fuzzyExample Advertisement :


16. The Big Lie. 
          According to Adolf Hitler, one of the 20th century’s most dangerous propagandists, people are more suspicious of a small lie than a big one. The Big Lie is more than exaggeration or hype; it’s telling a complete falsehood with such confidence and charisma that people believe it. Recognizing The Big Lie requires "thinking outside the box" of conventional wisdom and asking the questions other people don’t ask. 
Example Advertisement :

17. Charisma.
Sometimes, persuaders can be effective simply by appearing firm, bold, strong, andconfident. This is particularly  true in political and advocacy messages. People often follow charismatic leaders even when they disagree with their positions on issues that affect them.

Example Advertisement :

18. Euphemism
       While the Glittering generalities and Name-calling techniques arouse audiences with vivid, emotionally suggestive words, Euphemism tries to pacify audiences in order to make an unpleasant reality more palatable. Bland or abstract terms are used instead of clearer, more graphic words. Thus, we hear about corporate "downsizing" instead of "layoffs," or "enhanced interrogation techniques" instead of "torture.”

Example Advertisement :

19. Extrapolation.
Persuaders sometimes draw huge conclusions on the basis of a few small
facts. Extrapolation works by ignoring complexity. It’s most persuasive when it predicts something we hope can or will be true.

Example Advertisement :

20. Flattery.
         Persuaders love to flatter us. Politicians and advertisers sometimes speak directly to
us: "You know a good deal when you see one." "You expect quality." "You work hard for a living."
"You deserve it." Sometimes ads flatter us by showing people doing stupid things, so that we’ll feel
smarter or superior. Flattery works because we like to be praised and we tend to believe people we
like. (We’re sure that someone as brilliant as you will easily understand this technique!)

21. Glittering generalities.
This is the use of so-called "virtue words" such as civilization,
democracy, freedom, patriotism, motherhood, fatherhood, science, health, beauty, and love.
Persuaders use these words in the hope that we will approve and accept their statements without
examining the evidence. They hope that few people will ask whether it’s appropriate to invoke these
concepts, while even fewer will ask what these concepts really mean.

22. Name-calling
       This technique links a person or idea to a negative symbol (liar, creep, gossip,
etc.). It’s the opposite of Glittering generalities. Persuaders use Name-calling to make us reject the
person or the idea on the basis of the negative symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence. A
subtler version of this technique is to use adjectives with negative connotations (extreme, passive,
lazy, pushy, etc.) Ask yourself: Leaving out the name-calling, what are the merits of the idea itself?

23. New
            We love new things and new ideas, because we tend to believe they’re better than old
things and old ideas. That’s because the dominant culture in the United States (and many other
countries) places great faith in technology and progress. But sometimes, new products and new ideas
lead to new and more difficult problems.

24. Nostalgia
           This is the opposite of the New technique. Many advertisers invoke a time when life
was simpler and quality was supposedly better ("like Mom used to make"). Politicians promise to
bring back the "good old days" and restore "tradition." But whose traditions are being restored? Who
did they benefit, and who did they harm? This technique works because people tend to forget the bad
parts of the past, and remember the good.

25. Rhetorical questions.
These are questions designed to get us to agree with the speaker.
They are set up so that the “correct” answer is obvious. ("Do you want to get out of debt?" "Do you
want quick relief from headache pain?" and "Should we leave our nation vulnerable to terrorist
attacks?" are all rhetorical questions.) Rhetorical questions are used to build trust and alignment before the sales pitch.

26. Scientific evidence.

This is a particular application of the Expert technique. It uses the
paraphernalia of science (charts, graphs, statistics, lab coats, etc.) to "prove" something. It often
works because many people trust science and scientists. It’s important to look closely at the
"evidence," however, because it can be misleading.

27. Simple solution
       Life is complicated. People are complex. Problems often have many causes, and they’re not easy to solve. These realities create anxiety for many of us. Persuaders offer relief by ignoring complexity and proposing a Simple solution. Politicians claim one policy change (lower taxes, a new law, a government program) will solve big social problems. Advertisers take this strategy even further, suggesting that a deodorant, a car, or a brand of beer will make you beautiful,
popular and successful.

28. Slippery slope.
            This technique combines Extrapolation and Fear. Instead of predicting a positive future, it warns against a negative outcome. It argues against an idea by claiming it’s just the first step down a “slippery slope” toward something the target audience opposes. ("If we let them ban smoking in restaurants because it’s unhealthy, eventually they’ll ban fast food, too." This argument ignores the merits of banning smoking in restaurants.) The Slippery slope technique is commonly used in political debate, because it’s easy to claim that a small step will lead to a result most people won’t like, even though small steps can lead in many directions.

29. Symbols.

           Symbols are words or images that bring to mind some larger concept, usually one with strong emotional content, such as home, family, nation, religion, gender, or lifestyle. Persuaders use the power and intensity of symbols to make their case. But symbols can have different meanings for different people. Hummer SUVs are status symbols for some people, while to others they are symbols of environmental irresponsibility.

30. Ad hominem.
              Latin for "against the man," the ad hominem technique responds to an argument by attacking the opponent instead of addressing the argument itself. It’s also called "attacking the messenger.” It works on the belief that if there’s something wrong or objectionable about the messenger, the message must also be wrong.

31. Analogy.
An analogy compares one situation with another. A good analogy, where the
situations are reasonably similar, can aid decision-making. A weak analogy may not be persuasive,
unless it uses emotionally-charged images that obscure the illogical or unfair comparison.

32. Card stacking.
No one can tell the whole story; we all tell part of the story. Card stacking,
however, deliberately provides a false context to give a misleading impression. It "stacks the deck," selecting only favorable evidence to lead the audience to the desired conclusion.

33. Cause vs. Correlation. While understanding true causes and true effects is important,
persuaders can fool us by intentionally confusing correlation with cause. For example: Babies drink
milk. Babies cry. Therefore, drinking milk makes babies cry.

34. Denial.
This technique is used to escape responsibility for something that is unpopular or
controversial. It can be either direct or indirect. A politician who says, "I won’t bring up my opponent’s marital problems," has just brought up the issue without sounding mean.

35. Diversion.
This technique diverts our attention from a problem or issue by raising a separate
issue, usually one where the persuader has a better chance of convincing us. Diversion is often used
to hide the part of the story not being told. It is also known as a “red herring.”

36. Group dynamics.
We are greatly influenced by what other people think and do. We can get
carried away by the potent atmosphere of live audiences, rallies, or other gatherings. Group dynamics
is a more intense version of the Majority belief and Bandwagon techniques.

37. Majority belief.
This technique is similar to the Bandwagon technique. It works on the
assumption that if most people believe something, it must be true. That’s why polls and survey results
are so often used to back up an argument, even though pollsters will admit that responses vary
widely depending on how one asks the question.

38. Scapegoating. 
Extremely powerful and very common in political speech, Scapegoating
blames a problem on one person, group, race, religion, etc. Some people, for example, claim that
undocumented (“illegal”) immigrants are the main cause of unemployment in the United States, even
though unemployment is a complex problem with many causes. Scapegoating is a particularly
dangerous form of the Simple solution technique.
Introduction to Media Literacy – p. 12

39. Straw man
        This technique builds up an illogical or deliberately damaged idea and presents it
as something that one’s opponent supports or represents. Knocking down the "straw man" is easier
than confronting the opponent directly.

40. Timing
          Sometimes a media message is persuasive not because of what it says, but because
of when it’s delivered. This can be as simple as placing ads for flowers and candy just before
Valentine’s Day, or delivering a political speech right after a major news event. Sophisticated ad
campaigns commonly roll out carefully-timed phases to grab our attention, stimulate desire, and
generate a response.